讲座预告 | harald baier:it安全 人类与技术-米乐平台

讲座预告 | harald baier:it安全 人类与技术-米乐平台


讲座预告 | harald baier:it安全 人类与技术-网络安全的挑战与未来


报告名称 : it安全:人类与技术-网络安全的挑战与未来

报告时间 : 2019年7月3日 15:00                                 

报告地点 : 北校区主楼二区319                                    

报  告  人 : harald baier教授 达姆施塔特应用科技大学



professor baier teaches at darmstadt university of applied sciences and today leads the da/sec biometrics and cybersecurity research team to conduct research on digital justice, network intrusion detection, computer network security protocols and security frameworks. research results have been published in various professional publications and conferences. professor baier was a crisp spokesperson for the national center for applied cyber security and a member of the cased board of directors of the darmstadt advanced security research center. he was nominated by the unicum magazine as a professor in 2019.

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